Saad, Hamza
Assistant Professor of Project Management
- Emailhamza.saad@baoqiuyue.net
- Phone218-755-2733
- BuildingBridgeman Hall, Room 228
Saari, James
Concurrent Enrollment Instructor
Sand, Eric
Head Athletic Trainer
- Emaileric.sand@baoqiuyue.net
- Phone218-755-2769
- BuildingPhysical Education Complex, Room TR
- Box29
- OfficeAthletics
Sand, Robin
Assistant Professor of Nursing
- OfficeNursing, Department of
Sandberg, John
Concurrent Enrollment Instructor
Sas, Magdalena
State Univ Adjuct Unit
- OfficeMusic, Department of
Sayer, Ryan
Associate Professor
- Emailryan.sayer@baoqiuyue.net
- Phone218-755-2781
- BuildingSattgast Hall, Room 311A
- Box27
- OfficePhysics, Department of
Schaefer, Davis
Baseball Adjunct
- OfficeAthletics
Scheela, William
Emeritus Faculty
- Emailwilliam.scheela@baoqiuyue.net
- BuildingDecker Hall, Room 129
Schmidt, Angela
Non Employee
- Emailangela.schmidt@baoqiuyue.net
- Phone218-755-2599
- BuildingDavid Park House
Schmidthuber, Jared
Stationary Engineer
- Emailjared.schmidthuber@baoqiuyue.net
- BuildingHeating Plant
- OfficePhysical Plant
Schmitt, Shannon
Accounts and Collections Specialist
- Emailshannon.schmitt@baoqiuyue.net
- Phone218-755-2859
- BuildingDeputy Hall, Room 202
- Box5
- OfficeBusiness Services
Schmitz, Lisa
Associate Professor
- Emaillisa.schmitz@baoqiuyue.net
- BuildingOffsite
- Box35
- OfficeProfessional Education, Department of
Schwartz, Abram
State University Adjunct
- Emailabram.schwartz@baoqiuyue.net
- BuildingHagg-Sauer Hall
Schwegman, Carrie
Biology Adjunct Faculty
Sea, William
Associate Professor
- Emailwilliam.sea@baoqiuyue.net
- Phone218-755-4103
- BuildingSattgast Hall, Room 126
- Box27
- OfficeSustainability
Seig, MaryTheresa
Dean of the College of Creativity, Enterprise, and Place
- Emailmarytheresa.seig@baoqiuyue.net
- Phone218-755-3874
- BuildingSattgast Hall, Room 317
- Box27
- OfficeCreativity, Enterprise, and Place, College of
Serratore, Thomas
Head Men's Hockey Coach, Associate Professor
- Emailthomas.serratore@baoqiuyue.net
- Phone218-755-2879
- Box60
- OfficeAthletics
Shockman, Jessica
Social Work Adjunct
Sillerud, Jeffrey
Campus Security Officer
- Emailjeffrey.sillerud@baoqiuyue.net
- Phone218-755-3888
- BuildingWalnut Hall, Room 33
- Box33
- OfficeFinance & Administration
Simpson, Michael
Nursing Student Services Coordinator
- Emailmichael.simpson@baoqiuyue.net
- Phone218-755-2486
- BuildingBensen Hall, Room 223
- OfficeNursing, Department of
Skudlarek, Clarisa
General Maintenance Worker
- Emaillisa.skudlarek@baoqiuyue.net
- Phone218-755-2062
- BuildingA.C. Clark Library
- Box1
- OfficePhysical Plant
Skudlarek, Daniel
General Maintenance Worker
- Emaildaniel.skudlarek@baoqiuyue.net
- Phone218-755-2062
- BuildingMemorial Hall
- Box1
- OfficePhysical Plant
Slough, Debbie
Admin Assistant to the Director of Athletics
- Emaildebbie.slough@baoqiuyue.net
- Phone218-755-2941
- BuildingPhysical Education Complex, Room 200
- Box29
- OfficeAthletics
Smiles, Deondre
State Univ Adjuct Non-Unit
Smith, Danielle
TRIO McNair Coordinator
- Emaildanielle.smith@baoqiuyue.net
- Phone218-755-3338
- BuildingDecker Hall, Room 244
Smith, Jerry
Assistant Professor of Geography
- Emailjerry.smith@baoqiuyue.net
- Phone218-755-2805
- BuildingSattgast Hall, Room 124
- OfficeGeography, Department of
Smith, Michael
ITS 4/Network Manager
- Emailmichael.smith@baoqiuyue.net
- Phone218-755-2071
- BuildingDeputy Hall, Room 207B
- Box10
- OfficeInformation Technology Services
Smith, Tiffany
Sobieck, Emma
Assistant Women's Hockey Coach
- Emailemma.sobieck@baoqiuyue.net
- Phone218-755-2941
- BuildingPhysical Education Complex
- OfficeAthletics
Solo, Troy
Central Services Administrative Spec. Intermediate
- Emailtroy.solo@baoqiuyue.net
- Phone218-755-3922
- BuildingDeputy Hall, Room 210
- Boxmail
- OfficeMailroom
Son, Young Seob
- Emailyoungseob.son@baoqiuyue.net
- Phone218-755-3715
- BuildingMemorial Hall, Room 168
- Box30
- OfficeBusiness Administration, Department of
Sorensen, Jordan
Head Strength & Conditioning Coach
- OfficeAthletics
Spears, Shelly
General Maintenance Worker
- Emailshelly.spears@baoqiuyue.net
- Phone218-755-3755
- BuildingBirch Hall
- Box33
- OfficePhysical Plant
St John, Brian
Stanoch, Jason
Adjunct Faculty
- Emailjason.stanoch@baoqiuyue.net
- Phone218-755-2930
- BuildingBensen Hall, Room 326
Steen, Matthias
Assistant Soccer Coach
- Emailmatthias.steen@baoqiuyue.net
- BuildingPhysical Education Complex, Room 213
- OfficeAthletics
Steggall, Kelli
Director of TRiO McNair/SSS, Upward Bound
- Emailkelli.steggall@baoqiuyue.net
- Phone218-755-2504
- BuildingDecker Hall, Room 248
- Box19
- OfficeTRIO/Upward Bound
Steinmetz, Brent
General Repair Worker
- Emailbrent.steinmetz@baoqiuyue.net
- Phone218-755-3755
- BuildingCentral Maintenance Building
- Box1
- OfficePhysical Plant
Stensberg, Kevin
Senior Student Affairs Officer/Dean of Students
- OfficeAcademic Affairs
Stephani, Julia
Humanities Adjunct Faculty
- Emailjulia.stephani@baoqiuyue.net
- Phone218-209-6384
- BuildingA.C. Clark Library, Room 317
- OfficeEnglish, Department of
Stevens, Michael
Concurrent Enrollment Instructor
Stish, Karen
Assistant Director of Advising
- Emailkaren.stish@baoqiuyue.net
- Phone218-755-2066
- BuildingDecker Hall, Room 202
- OfficeAdvising Success Center
Stoltenberg, Chelsea
Head Women's Basket Ball Coach
- Emailchelsea.stoltenberg@baoqiuyue.net
- Phone218-755-3928
- BuildingPhysical Education Complex, Room 208
- OfficeAthletics
Stone, James
Assistant Professor, Soccer Head Coach
- Emailjames.stone@baoqiuyue.net
- Phone218-755-3928
- BuildingPhysical Education Complex, Room 226
- Box29
- OfficeAthletics
Strowbridge, Larry
Plant Mainenance Engineer
- Emaillarry.strowbridge@baoqiuyue.net
- Phone218-755-2061
- BuildingHeating Plant
- Box1
- OfficePhysical Plant
Stueven, Mitike
Upward Bound
- OfficeTRIO/Upward Bound
Sullivan, Danielle
Associate Professor of English; English Ed
- Emaildanielle.sullivan@baoqiuyue.net
- Phone218-755-2838
- BuildingBangsberg Hall, Room 211A
- OfficeEnglish, Department of
Sumsky, Evonne
Music Adjuct
Sundahl, Steven
Associate Professor
- Emailsteven.sundahl@baoqiuyue.net
- Phone218-755-2761
- BuildingBensen Hall, Room 131
- Box34
- OfficeTechnology, Art, and Design, School of
Sundeen, Eric
Adjunct Faculty
- Emaileric.sundeen@baoqiuyue.net
- BuildingBangsberg Hall, Room 106
- Box16
- OfficeMusic, Department of
Swain, Larry
Associate Professor
- Emaillarry.swain@baoqiuyue.net
- Phone218-755-2484
- BuildingBangsberg Hall, Room 214
- Box16
- OfficeEnglish, Department of
Swann, Cyrus
Adjunct Instructor
Szrot, Lukas
Assistant Professor of Sociology
- Emaillukas.szrot@baoqiuyue.net
- Phone218-755-2829
- BuildingSattgast Hall, Room 215F